Coax Cable Specification Spreadsheet for Ham Radio
I never found a spreadsheet that had all the info I wanted to have for selecting what coax to use for a specific application. So I have now created one with the details of interest to me. If you think I need to add additional info let me know. This is a work in process draft and likely contains errors, so use at your own risk. Keep in mind specs from different manufacturers for the same coax type may have minor differences. In some cases a manufacturer might have multiple versions of the same type of coax that have minor differences in performance. So use this to get in the “ball park” then select a manufacturer and get the final specifications for the brand and type you are going to use. If you see a error or feel there is one that I need to add just drop me an email at my ARRL email address. The image below has a download link at the bottom of the chart to download the Excel file. It will download the current version from my OneDrive account. The irritating part is no two manufacture’s seem to use the same frequencies for specifying losses. Some only give it in 100 ft and do not include 100 meters. Some specify in feet/meters instead of in 100s.
Messi & Paoloni has a chart of losses at Ham Frequencies at:
I also found that Hongsen Cable had a number of good pages. See: